Sun, May 5, 8 am: Family Table Sun, May 5, 9:30 am: Executive Committee Meeting Tues, May 7, 3:45 pm: Religious School Fri, May 10, 6 pm: Friday Night Live with Religious School families - In Person | LiveControl | YouTube Sat, May 11, 10 am: Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat Morning Services - In Person | LiveControl | YouTube Sat, May 11, 12 pm: Starbucks Shabbat Check the calendar for the most up to date program information and links
Yom Hashoah
Friday Night Live!
Friday, May 10, 6 pm Join Kitah Zayin and religious school families for our Friday Night Service Aliyah celebration in the Seresky sanctuary. Also, Brotherhood scholarship recipients will be awarded during the service. The service will be followed by a dessert celebration in the social hall. Services will also be streamed LiveControl & YouTube
Mitzvah Day is near – Sunday, May 19, 10AM. Spend a few minutes NOW to collect needed items and plan to take part in mitzvah projects at the temple to provide help to those in need.
Here is a list of some of what we will be collecting, and/or doing that day:
personal care items for Father Bill's and/or women's shelters,
used eyeglasses, cell phones and hearing aids to be refurbished and distributed
textiles (such as linens and towels) which can go in the recycling bin in our side yard
diapers, baby wipes, high chairs, clothing (size 0-3, slightly used OK), and baby bottles for recent Haitian immigrants (we’re joining with a local church on this drive).
write notes to the IDF
write notes for shut-ins though JF&JS,
make blankets for the VA
write Shabbat notes for the Shabbat Candles that go to Family table.
SAVE THE DATE: June 2nd for our LGBTQ+ Seder. Watch for details.
Protecting Our Privacy via The Location Shield Act Did you know that cell phone location data is actively being collected and sold? Our State Legislature is considering a bill to ban the sale of cell phone location data for anyone located in Massachusetts. This bill (H.357/S.148), a.k.a. the Location Shield Actwill prevent unscrupulous actors from being able to purchase and use the cell phone location data of others to determine, for example, if someone visited a facility that provides abortions, specific places of worship, or gathering spots popular with the LGBTQ+ community while in our state. You can read JALSA's testimony in support of this legislation. Contact your state legislators and encourage them to Support the Location Shield Act. The extension deadline for this bill is July 31.
Phyl Hewson and Linda Leland, Social Action/Social Justice Co-chairs
This is a great opportunity to show our hospitality and support a worthy cause. Responsibilities will be to hand out snacks and drinks, check-in riders' on a list, and point them to the restrooms. The money raised by the riders goes to support the Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah which provides an inclusive summer camp experience for children with disabilities. You don’t have to be a rider. You don’t have to be a member of the men’s club. You don’t have to be a man. You do have to be willing to make a difference.
Please get in touch with David Kaplan or call 617-538-3166 to volunteer or if you have questions.
Caleb Greitzer, one of our Religious School Students is doing a service project in preparation for his becoming a Bar Mitzvah. He created a t-shirt honoring the special people in his life who have or are currently battling cancer & is donating the proceeds to the American Cancer Society.
Thank you to those who have donated to B'nai Tikvah! Donations may be made online or sent directly to the office.
Accessibility Fund: Eleanor Borr In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Helen Holzman Al Burak Building Fund: Gordon & Joyce Gilbert In Memory of Michelle Langmead General Fund: Frances Slate In Honor of Sheryl Victorson and Lisa Berton Jonathan & Ellen Orkin In Memory of Ernest Finer Gordon & Joyce Gilbert In Memory of Leslie Kramer Steve & Carol Bernstein In Honor of the Yahrzeit of George Bernstein Barbara Slawsby In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Harry Maltz Harvey Lewis In Honor of the Yahrzeits of Lillian Blake & Barbara Segal Theodore Liftman In Honor of the Yahrzeits of Jacob Finkel & Max LIftman Glenda Blake In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Robert Blake Patti Kublin In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Lillian Helen Sherman Sheryl Victorson In Memory of Estelle Levy Faye Solup In Memory of Leslie Kramer Robert Sokolove In Memory of Leslie Kramer Holocaust Memorial Courtyard Fund: Cindy Lurie In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Marc Shiro Frances Raboy In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Jennie Isenberg Joel Kessel Memorial Youth Fund: Adrienne & Jerrold Fleishman In Honor of the Yahrzeits of Joel Zane Kessel, Louis Kessel, Louis Churnick, Laurie Cabit Joel & Judy Kepnes in Memory of Leslie Kramer Kiddush Fund: Jacqueline Barry In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Ruth Newman Lois Sahl In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Jacob Bolotin Kirshner Pearlstein Bereavement Fund: Marshall & Ruth Myers In Memory of Leslie Kramer Michelle Fuhrman In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Judith Peel Michelle Langmead Greek Jewish Heritage Program: Stanley & Robin Zoll In Memory of Michelle Langmead Marci Rosenthal In Memory of Michelle Langmead Joel & Judy Kepnes In Memory of Michelle Langmead Andrew & Rebecca Baizen In Memory of Michelle Langmead David & Amy Berardi In Memory of Michelle Langmead Edward McNeil In Memory of Michelle Langmead Stephen Niers In Memory of Michelle Langmead Sara Swart In Memory of Michelle Langmead Marilyn Curran In Memory of Michelle Langmead Susan Miller In Memory of Michelle Langmead Peter & Molly Blumenthal In Memory of Michelle Langmead Canton Helpline Inc In Memory of Michelle Langmead Fred & Nancy Mark In Memory of Michelle Langmead Harriet & Jerry Lavine In Memory of Michelle Langmead Anne Kavin In Memory of Michelle Langmead Cindy Lurie In Memory of Michelle Langmead Harry & Barbara Jacobi In Memory of Michelle Langmead Cliff Seresky In Memory of Michelle Langmead Barry & Judith Freedman Caplan In Memory of Michelle Langmead Marshall & Janet Silberberg In Memory of Michelle Langmead Marlene Wise In Memory of Michelle Langmead Jeffrey Weinberg In Memory of Michelle Langmead Peter & Linda Silverstein In Memory of Michelle Langmead Melanie & Joshua Greitzer In Memory of Michelle Langmead Adrienne, David, Josh, Syd and Ben Jacobson In Memory of Michelle Langmead Jonathan & Ellen Orkin In Memory of Michelle Langmead Gordon & Joyce Gilbert In Memory of Michelle Langmead Steve & Carol Bernstein In Memory of Michelle Langmead Paul & Sharon Frank In Memory of Michelle Langmead Barbara Goldstein In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Elaine Goldstein Rita & Joseph Croce In Memory of Michelle Langmead Joyce & William Habalow In Memory of Michelle Langmead Rose & Joseph Warsofsky In Memory of Michelle Langmead Debrah Gladstone In Memory of Michelle Langmead Elizabeth Hutton & Barbara Epstein In Memory of Michelle Langmead David Goldman In Memory of Michelle Langmead Harriet Burak In Memory of Michelle Langmead Harriet & Mel Blackman In Memory of Michelle Langmead Judi Hershman In Memory of Michelle Langmead Allan & Marjorie Slotnick In Memory of Michelle Langmead Holly Smith In Memory ofMichelle Langmead Elaine & Earl Gashin In Memory of Michelle Langmead Robert Sokolove In Memory of Michelle Langmead Phyllis Hewson & Sheri Schultz In Memory of Michelle Langmead Sheryl Victorson In Memory of Michelle Langmead Nili & David Shoenig In Memory of Michelle Langmead Joan Astor In Memory of Michelle Langmead Louise Rossman In Memory of Michelle Langmead Dana & Carol Scott In Memory of Michelle Langmead Shelley & Stephen Shuman In Memory of Michelle Langmead George & Judith Rudnick In Memory of Michelle Langmead Natalie & Ken Weinberg In Memory of Michelle Langmead Marjorie Litman In Memory ofMichelle Langmead Donna & Bob Blumenthal In Memory of Michelle Langmead Roxy & Wayne Gray In Memory of Michelle Langmead Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: Harvey Lewis In Memory of Lorraine Simon Stan Finer In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Edith Adler, In Memory of Donald Orkin Marty Packer In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Israel Packer Linda Kawadler In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Richard Kawadler Harriet Burak In Honor of Rabbi Lisa Feld Iris Kaplan In Memory of Michelle Langmead Religious School Fund: Sheila & Arnold Bogan In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Israel Packer Ritual Fund: Eric Sokolove In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Judy Sokolove
B'nai Tikvah | 781.828.5250 1301 Washington St | Canton, MA 02021 Office Hours: Mon, Weds, Thurs, 9-3 | Tues 9-5 | Fri 9-12