Mon, Jul 22, 8 pm: Ritual Team Meeting - CANCELLED Wed, Jul 24, 12 pm: Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Feld: Talmud Wed, Jul 24, 7 pm: Kitchen Team Meeting Fri, Jul 26, 6 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat Services - ZOOM Sat, Jul 27, 9 am: Starbucks Shabbat Sat, Jul 27, 10 am: Shabbat Morning Services - In Person | LiveControl | YouTube Check the calendar for the most up to date program information and links
Welcome Rob!
Welcome to Rob Yunich, B'nai Tikvah's new Director of Programs and Engagement. In this role, Rob will be helping with coordinating the outreach, inreach, and communications for B'nai Tikvah's events and programming. Rob has worked in communications and education for more than 25 years. He and his wife, Elana Milstein, live in Stoughton with their two cats, Camden and Cabi. Learn more about Rob on the B'nai Tikvah website.
Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Feld
Wednesdays at 12 pm on ZOOM Everything you wanted to know about Talmud (but were afraid to ask). For over a thousand years, the Talmud has been the source for many of our laws, but also of our stories about who we are. In this course, we’ll learn how to follow Talmudic arguments, rabbinic jargon, and the ins and outs of this core Jewish text. Note: We will use English translations of all sources; no Hebrew or Aramaic knowledge required. Click here to sign up
Religious School/Teen Group
REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE FALL Is your student in kindergarten thru Grade 12? School registration is open for B'nai Tikvah members. Teen Group registration is open to non-members for a $90 fee for the year, and free for B'nai Tikvah members. Please register today!
All Book of Remembrance, Seat Requests, and High Holy Day Greeting Card forms were mailed out to the congregation. Please return your forms to the office by the specified due dates - the earlier, the better! We cannot ensure that requests received after that date can be honored due to printing and mailing schedules. Book of Remembrance: Due August 15 Seating Requests: Due August 28 High Holy Day Greeting Card: Due September 3
Daily Minyan
MINYAN DOES NOT TAKE A SUMMER VACATION Just a friendly reminder... if you cannot attend a minyan on your scheduled night, please find a replacement. Please help make a minyan. Thanks, The Minyan Rangers
Thank you to those who have donated to B'nai Tikvah! Donations may be made online or sent directly to the office.
General Fund: Vivienne Aarons In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Tilly Aarons In Honor of Ann Hartstein & Cathy Stern Janice & Ralph Halpern In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Hyman Halpern Edith Weiner In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Mary Rovner Rozanne & Burton Neiterman In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Morris Neiterman Stanley & Rhonda Parker In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Lester Lampert Joel Kessel Memorial Youth Fund: Marvin & Elise Wolfert In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Dave Wolfert Kiddush Fund: Janet & Marshall Silberberg In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Frances P. Silberberg, In Memory of Richard Kalp, Honor of Janice & Ralph Halpern, In Honor of Ann Hartstein Stanley Finer In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Edythe Finer Michelle Langmead GJH Fund: Harriet Burak In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Fay Goldman Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: Lesley & Michael Shain In Honor of Rabbi Lisa Feld Shirley Goldman In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Frances Klein Andrew Jaynes In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Lois Jaynes Daniel Jaynes In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Lois Jaynes Maura Jaynes In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Lois Jaynes Marty & Judie Packer In Honor of Donna Blumenthal, In Memory of Beth Brizel Religious School: Faye Sienkiewicz In Memory of Beth Brizel Philip & Mona Rosen In Memory of Beth Brizel Cathy Stern & Ann Hartstein In Memory of Beth Brizel Karen Shapiro In Memory of Beth Brizel Donna & Robert Blumenthal In Memory of Beth Brizel Lawrence & Lynn Menovich In Memory of Beth Brizel
B'nai Tikvah | 781.828.5250 1301 Washington St | Canton, MA 02021 Office Hours: Mon, Weds, Thurs, 9-3 | Tues 9-5 | Fri 9-12