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Social Action/Sisterhood: Breast Cancer Awareness Program with Sharsheret

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 2 Cheshvan 5784

6:00 PM - 8:00 PMIn Person & ZOOM

Social Action/Sisterhood: Breast Cancer Awareness Program with Sharsheret.

Becky Rabson, a breast cancer survivor and inheritor of the BCRA gene, will be our guest speaker. Becky currently lives in Newton, Massachusetts, but grew up in the tri-state area. She has two children, ages 18 and 21. In addition to volunteering with Sharsheret, she also volunteers with Dana Farber in their One to One and Soul Mates programs as a peer mentor, with Mass General/Newton Wellesley in their Peer Support Program, and with FORCE, an online organization, as a peer navigator and Boston area support group facilitator. She also works with JF&CS as a visiting mom and facilitates a new parent group in JP. Following Becky's talk, we will join Minyan and have desserts and conversation.

She will also speak about Sharsheret, the organization that provides emotional support, mental health counseling, education, and financial subsidies to those in need. In addition, Sharsheret cultivates community by bringing together women, families, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and others through national webinars and by offering expert medical information and Jewish spirituality experiences for thousands of Jewish women.

ZOOM Meeting ID: 853 7809 8269 / Passcode: RkxMw9


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