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Purim at B’nai Tikvah

In this section, you’ll find information about the many ways to celebrate Purim together as a community. So many ways to celebrate; It’s, like, the whole megillah!

Thursday, March 13, 5:45 p.m., Erev Purim (RSVP here)

  • Pizza dinner
  • Costume contest and Children’s Shpiel
  • Songs and a quick service
  • Abbreviated Megillah reading

Friday, March 14, 8:00 a.m., Purim Morning Service

  • Listen to the whole Megillah (reading)
  • Quick morning service
  • Stay for breakfast afterwards

The Purim morning service is led by Rabbi Feld with full Megillah reading by Dr. Matthew Zizmor.

Mishloach Manot bags will be available for pick-up after both services.

Sisterhood Presents 2025 Purim Card Fundraiser
Take this opportunity to support B’nai Tikvah’s Sisterhood and send a card to your family and/or friends. There are two options:

  • Purchase a beautiful Purim card that Sisterhood will send to your family and/or friends—$7 per card. Please list how you want your name to appear on the card and the recipient’s name and address.
  • Include your name on the Sisterhood Purim card being sent to the entire congregation—$18.

Payment may be made by making a donation to Sisterhood events on the B’nai Tikvah website or via check to the office. Please be sure to include how you would like your name listed on the card and the name/address of the recipients. Order by March 4.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785