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Teen Program

Teens can get involved in B’nai Tikvah in several ways:

Post-Mitzvah Teen Group 

Open to all teens in grades 8-12, this group meets monthly on Sundays from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Participants enjoy a pizza dinner followed by an exploration of topics of interest to teens, led by Rabbi Feld and other members of our community.

This year’s programs will include field trips, hands-on activities, and discussion topics, with opportunities for teens to suggest activities and topics. Special programs include a community sukkah building and decorating program in October, a November trip to Touro Synagogue in Newport, R.I., sufganiyot and latke making in December, hamantaschen making in March, and joining the B’nai Tikvah trip to New York for the Greek Jewish Festival in May.

All teens in the community are invited to attend. The program is free to B’nai Tikvah members and $90 per year for non-members.

For more information or to register, please contact Director of Programs and Engagement Rob Yunich.

B’nai Tikvah Religious School graduates can give back to our community through the Madrichim program. Teens are trained to work with current students and volunteer 1-2 days a week, offering personalized Hebrew reading support as well as being mentors. Under the supervision of our teachers, the madrichim help plan special programs and run games for the students. High school students can receive community service hours.

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785